CRITICAL UPDATE to the Copernicus Australasia Regional Data Hub
The Copernicus Australasia Regional Data Hub, in support of the European Copernicus Programme, provides free, open, trusted and reliable access to Sentinel satellite data for Australasia, South-East Asia, the South Pacific, the Indian Ocean and the Australian Antarctic Territory.
Data Access and Reporting

Data access
SARA is the main access point to the Hub data. The interface provides an intuitive map-based data search, download capability and a Python Application Program Interface (API) for advanced user interaction.

User guide
Detailed information on how to access Copernicus data. The Hub provides free and open access to Sentinel-1, -2 and -3 products processed to different levels of specifications.

The Copernicus Australasia Reporting Platform provides access to automated monthly reporting data for the Hub on: timeliness, downloads, completeness, user statistics and storage information.
Resources and Case Studies

Useful links, publications, products and online courses.

Case studies
How Copernicus has been used to help communities across Australasia. In our region, a wide range of applications have been developed using Sentinel satellite data, and products and services continue to grow.

The Copernicus Australasia Regional Data Hub supports the European Union’s Copernicus Programme. Our region of interest covers Australasia, South-East Asia, the South Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and the Australian Antarctic Territory.
Our Partners

